Monday, 20 February 2012

Drill Number 2: Wall Rally Drill

Wall Rally Drill

Take an old shuttle and hit it against the wall. Hit the shuttle with your forehand and backhand, straight or diagonal. It can be used for practicing almost every stroke. It is a good way to improve footwork, strengthen the arm and wrist muscles used in badminton.

The wall should be at least 20 feet high to accommodate clears. The practice will be more effective if you can show the height of the net with a chalk line or a string, 5 feet above the ground.

As the shuttle rebounds so fast from the wall, your wrist will naturally come into play. You will learn how to switch grips at an instance as well. You will be amazed on your improved reflexes the next time you step on court.

Hitting a shuttle against a wall is an effective practice at all levels of plays. This will help you to play well and you can use it when you have a game and be efficient in hitting the shuttle cock.


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